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As part of their ongoing commitment to increase enrollment and welcome new families from the community into the student body, Greenwich Village's St. Luke's School received Landmarks Preservation Commission approval to build an addition. The building would house two new classrooms for kindergarten and after school programs. The only catch? It needed to be built in 11 weeks. Enter OTL. Over summer break and before the September school bells rang, OTL constructed the 1,500 sq ft addition without a hitch. 

The Details

  • The St. Luke's School addition is testament to the incredibly strong relationships OTL has built over the years, and the value they place on nurturing those relationships. With a deadline looming from day one, they were able to motivate subcontractors from their trusted, loyal roster of trades who were naturally up to task, and rose to the occasion to complete the project in the specified 11 weeks.

  • The addition was built from the ground up – new foundation, perimeter masonry walls, curved and cantilevered roof, radiant floor heating, mechanical, finishing and plumbing  

  • As part of a landmarked site, the brick exterior of the building was required to match the exterior of the original structures.


Barry Rice Architects