325 Henry Street
This corner lot, previously occupied by a gas station, presented unique approval and logistical challenges. OTL teams up with Avery Hall Investments for this development and enlisted BKSK Architect's to stitch the design into the architectural fabric of the landmark Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights neighborhoods. Recently profiled in the New York Times, this building is destined to be an icon.

Columbia Street
This pair of modern townhouses will bring eight new residences to the up and coming Columbia Waterfront neighborhood. The foundations will include piles drilled 100 feet deep because of the soft shale soil in the area. This job presents OTL and partner Avery Hall Investments with big challenges in a compact package.
22 Chapel Street
This joint venture project with DelShah Capital is currently on the drawing board and the office is busy with pre-construction activities. This twenty-two story project is sure to make a splash on the Downtown Brooklyn landscape. We are particularly excited about partnering with an esteemed community organization to provide a new rehabilitation facility on the ground floor.